About the Instructor

Abigail "Jay" Green

Hello! I'm Jay, it’s great to meet you. I’m originally from the city of St. Louis, but I moved to New Jersey in 2016. My love for comics and manga started early, daily I would read manga like Inuyasha and comics like Batman and The Flash. It didn’t take long for me to start creating my own characters and the stories behind them. Recently I graduated from the School of Visual Arts where I was pursuing my passion for comics. There I learned a great deal of Art History, Everything comics, the basics of puppetry, 2D animation and so much more. I believe that comic creation is not only a fun art form, but a great outlet and learning tool. My love for storytelling and character creation is what drives me to share my knowledge and craft with equally passionate students. I can't wait to get to know you and your stories. Website: https://psypsygreen.wixsite.com/psypsygreen

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