This is the IN PERSON component of a hybrid class. There will be students participating in person concurrently with students participating virtually via Zoom.
Class Level: Adult and Teens 16+ (All Levels)
Special Notes
All students must comply with the Policies and Procedures found on The Center's website. There will be no refunds for students removed from class for failure to observe The Center’s Policies and Procedures.
Plastic palette large, preferably with a lidBrushes - a flat wash brush 3/4" to 1" wide and a large round size 10 or 12, and a smaller round size 6 or 7
Mounting board - if using loose sheets of paper
Painters tape - (blue house paint tape) for mounting loose sheets of paper
Paper - 140 lb cold press watercolor paper, blocks are convenient for class work
Toilet tissue - better than paper towels for blotting & lifting
HB Pencil Eraser
Paint - recommended palette: Cadmium yellow Cadmium red Alizarin crimson Ultramarine blue Sap green Viridian green Raw sienna Burnt sienna Burnt umber Violet
Optional colors: Cerulean blue Payne’s gray Chinese or permanent white (gouache)
Optional supplies: White candle for paint resist
Masking fluid
Mr. Clean magic eraser
Sources for purchase: Jerry's Artarama -, store on Rte. 1 in Lawrenceville
Dick Blick -, store right off I-78 in Allentown
Cheap Joe's -