“IV Pole and Nowhere to Go” by Jeanette Hammerstein

Historically, it was not unusual for doctors to be poets, musicians, or artists of some sort. At some point this trend was lost and medical science programs began to emphasize the hard sciences. However like many things, there is a full circle. With physician burnout, suicide, and other negative fall-out rates at a high, the arts are being re-valued within medicine. Many medical schools now include some mandatory humanitarian experience as part of young doctors’ training -from literature circles to art appreciation.

For me, I “dabbled” in the arts from a young age but did not pursue this in my early formal studies. It was not until I finished my emergency medicine residency and was practicing solo that I had a big wake-up call. I used to “re-live” my ER shifts with a mental replay of the patients; the tragedies; the worries. I enrolled part-time in a fine arts undergraduate program largely due to my earlier arts interests and began to understand first hand the benefits. A general catharsis can occur with moving paint and there is great freedom  to exploring subject matter that seems a bit beyond words.

I like the idea that creating a piece of artwork is taking something of yourself and planting it outside. It sits there waiting and just maybe someone will connect or be moved by that moment you had creating it. So ultimately art for me is a way of human connection. And a way of understanding and processing my medical work.

size 24″ x 18″ x 1.5″
medium Oil on Panel
Price $1,450.00


Bloomington, IN
[email protected]

Jeanette splits her time between practicing emergency medicine and oil painting.

Monroe Hospital, Bloomington, IN — 2007-current
practicing Emergency Medicine Physician, volunteer Emergency Medicine Services
director, prior department director

MedAire Physician, Phoenix, AZ – 2006-2007
medical emergency consulting physician for domestic/international flight and nautical emergencies

Hackley Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI — 2004-2006
attending Emergency Physician

Additional prior work: ABC medical physician commentator/intern, helicopter flight physician, computer specialist for Cerner, EMT, art gallery monitor, multiple medical research studies, pizza maker, lifeguard

Indiana University, studies in the fine arts department 2018

University of Montana, studies in the fine arts department, 2016-2018

Awarded Fellowship physician status in 2014 from American College of Emergency Medicine for community service & long standing career as boarded EM physician

Kendall College Art and Design and Grand Rapids Community College, studies in
fine art program 2006-2007

Grand Rapids Medical Education Research Center, residency completed in
Emergency Medicine, 2005

Indiana University School of Medicine, Medical Doctorate, 2002

Ball State Anatomy and Physiology Masters work, taught nursing anatomy lab
Washington University in St. Louis, environmental biology B.A. 1996

Fine Art shows:
May 2020-Art from the Heartland, juried group show, Indianapolis Art Center
May 2020 -Beyond, Behind, Beneath -Narrative Self Portraiture, juried group show South Haven Art Center
Fall 2019: Remembering and Forgetting, juried group show Grunwald Gallery
December 2018 – 81st annual Indianapolis Art Center group show
April 2018- selected works, First Friday Zootown
April 2018 – selected works, Missoula courthouse exhibit
February 2018-University of Montana juried student exhibit
February 2018- awarded juror’s pick, student show
September 2018-Glacier Sothbey’s, First Friday selected works
May 2017- Radius Gallery, First Friday selected works
April 2017 – selected work, University of Montana Resource Library
March 2018-selected works, Montana State House exhibit
October 2016 – University of Montana, juried student exhibit
Brown County Humane Society 2013 – juried show/ fund raising auction
spring 2012- Indianapolis Zoo paint out





Additional information


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