My painting and multimedia work is an extension of my own emotional and intellectual life. I experiment with art to fulfill something that cannot be expressed in any other way. Such as, memories of places, thought and feelings made manifest through tangible means. I strive to engage the viewer emotionally and intellectually in my work, and hope that viewers bring something of themselves to the work. Light, dark, value contrasts and color all evoke a response of some kind. My goal is to continue to grow, experiment and exist as a painter/creator and to share that experience with others.
I have been interested in art from a very young age. I was raised in Southern Maryland in rural St. Mary’s County on a small horse farm. Nature and living things have always inspired me. I live and raised my family in the same town where I grew up. I continue to be inspired by the rural surroundings, and the sweet light that exists between two rivers.
size 16″ x 20″
medium Oil on Linen
Price $450.00
Susannah Hartshorn Lynch
Currently lives and works in Hollywood, MD
[email protected]
1987 Bachelor of Arts, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD, USA
Solo Exhibitions
1988 North End Gallery, Leonardtown, Maryland
2018 Charles County Commissioner Building, CCAA sponsored
Group Exhibitions
2019 311 Gallery Annual Landscapes and Seascapes, Raleigh, NC
2018 311 Gallery Annual Gardens and Flowers, Raleigh, NC
2018 NAWA Winter Small Works Exhibition, NY, NY
2017 NAWA Winter Small Works Exhibition, New York, NY
2006 St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Alumni Exhibition, Boyden Gallery
Charles County Arts Alliance sponsored:
2020 Community Bank of Chesapeake Winter Exhibition, Waldorf, MD
2019 Community Bank of Chesapeake Spring Exhibition, Waldorf, MD
2019 Port Tobacco Courthouse Selected Exhibition, LaPlata, MD
2018 Community Bank of Chesapeake Spring Exhibition, Waldorf, MD
2018 Port Tobacco Courthouse Selected Exhibition, LaPlata, MD
2017 Waldorf West Library Gallery Winter Exhibition, Waldorf, MD
2017 Community Bank of the Chesapeake Fall Exhibition, Waldorf, MD
2017 Port Tobacco Courthouse Selected Exhibition, LaPlata, MD
2016 Waldorf West Library Gallery Fall Exhibition, Waldorf, MD
2016 Community Bank of the Chesapeake Fall Exhibition, Waldorf, MD
2016 Waldorf West Library Gallery Summer exhibition, Waldorf, MD
2016 Community Bank of the Chesapeake Spring Exhibition, Waldorf MD
2015 Waldorf West Library Gallery, Spring, Fall and Winter Exhibitions
2015 Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, Charlotte Hall, MD,
2015 Community Bank of Chesapeake, Fall, Winter, Summer exhibitions
Art Markets
2017 June Art Market, Summer Seat Farm, Mechanicsville, MD
2016 June Art Fest, LaPlata, MD,
2016 July, Solomons Island Art Show, Solomons Island, MD,
Artist Registries
St. Mary’s County Arts Council Registry
Maryland State Arts Council Registry
U.S. Department of State, Art In Embassies
Private and Institutional Collections
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD,
Hollywood, MD
California, MD
Prince Frederick, MD
Toronto, Ontario