Any levels are welcome!
Special Notes
All students must comply with the Policies and Procedures found on The Center's website. There will be no refunds for students removed from class for failure to observe The Center’s Policies and Procedures.Materials
Materials for watercolors:
Cadmium Red, Lemon Yellow, Ultra-marine Blue, Sap green, Viridian,
Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Alizarin Crimson.
2 jars for water, Tissues
Watercolor palette (large plastic)
1” Flat brush
Round watercolor brushes # 7, #12
kneaded eraser, HB pencil
Watercolor paper or block. (140-lb cold press or 140-lb hot press) 9X12 or smaller.
Artist tape, Foam board (big enough to fit the watercolor paper)
A set of ink pens. Any kind are good, however I recommend a set of black Pigma Micron pens in
black with different widths and one sepia or brown color.