130-Afternoon Handbuilding-IN PERSON

This class introduces handbuilding techniques step-by-step, opening the way for individual expression and success in clay. The instructor discusses the production of three-dimensional forms, firing, and glazes. In addition students learn more about using surface design and texture. Those with more experience are shown additional techniques to incorporate into their work. Weekly demonstrations are given.

Between the ages of 25 and 35? Use coupon code UNDER35 to receive $20 off this class. 

Special Notes

Note on Health & Safety Policy:

The Center has updated its Health and Safety Policies and Procedures related to COVID-19. As of  August 22, 2022, vaccinations are suggested but not required. Mask wearing is suggested but not required. 

All students must comply with the Health and Safety Policies and Procedures found on The Center's website. There will be no refunds for students removed from class for failure to observe The Center’s Health and Safety Policies and Procedures.

In the event of a closure due to the COVID-19 virus, this class will move online using ZOOM. There will be no refunds or credits for classes that were scheduled to take place on-site but were moved to an online format for health and safety purposes.

About the Instructor

John Reinking

BFA Mason Gross, Rutgers, MFA Marywood University. Associate Adjunct Professor at Raritan Valley Community College and County College of Morris; works found in many private collections; represented by Peters Valley Craft Center and Connexions Gallery in Easton, PA; exhibits in national group shows regularly.


Class Details

January 19 - March 23, 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm

Days: Thursday

Tuition: $435

Member Tuition: N/A

Location: The Center for Contemporary Art

Semester: Winter 2023

Level: Adult-All Levels

Instructor: John Reinking