This is the in-person component of a hybrid class. There will be students participating in-person concurrently with students participating online via Zoom.
Between the ages of 25 and 35? Use coupon code UNDER35 to receive $20 off this class.
Special Notes
All students must comply with the Policies and Procedures found on The Center's website. There will be no refunds for students removed from class for failure to observe The Center’s Policies and Procedures.
This workshop is open to all paint mediums.
Please pick one or more mediums to work from for this workshop.
For a supply list please see below.
Brushes – a variety (oil based)
Palette (kinds: wood or plastic)
Palette knife
Canvas or Canvas board (Possible sizes recommended 11X 14 through 18 x 24) I would recommend having 2 or 3 canvas to possible work on.
Oil Paints (Possible brand names: Grumbacher, Winsor & Newton, Rembrandt, Van Gogh)
COLORS: Allzarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cobalt Blue, Ivory Black, Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Green, Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna
Liquin (a kind of quick drier)
Mineral Spirits (Gamsol Odorless)
Brushes – a variety (acrylic based)
Palette (kinds: wood or plastic)
Palette knife
Canvas or Canvas board (Possible sizes recommended 11X 14 through 18 x 24) I would recommend having 2 or 3 canvas to possible work on
Acrylic Paint (Possible brand names: Golden, Winsor & Newton, Liquitex)
COLORS: Allzarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cobalt Blue, Ivory Black, Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Green, Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna
Gel Medium (Matte and Gloss)
Cups for water
Brushes – a variety (watercolor based)
Palette (kinds: plastic)
Watercolor Paint (Possible brand names: Da Vinci, Grumbaacher, Rembrandt)
Colors: starter set
Gouache Painting (is a kind of watercolor and great for field studies) starter set the more colors the better (Possible brand names: Holbein or Grumbacher)
Watercolor paper (Any brand name that has the page glued on all four sides. This is a pre-streched paper.)
Plastic Cups for water
Chalk pastels (Possible brand names: Grumbacher, Rembrandt, Rowney)
Pastel paper (Possible brand names: Strathmore, Sennelier, Canson)
Oil pastels (Possible brand names: Sakura Cray, Van Gogh, Daler-Rowney, Faber-Castell, Sennelier)
Note: Mineral Spirits (Low Odor or Odorless) can dissolve oil pastels and can be used for blending colors and obtain painterly surface effects. Brushes would also be need for this.
Pastel paper (Possible brand names: Strathmore, Sennelier, Canson)
Other possible materials you might need:
Something to carry supplies in (art bend, backpack, box easel)
Tape, 1” Blue Painters Tape
Push Pins (dozen)
Wood pencils/charcoal pencils
Plastic Wrap (for keeping paints wet when not in use)