231-Oil Painting

Working from a variety of sources (photos, still-life, plein-air, life) we will explore the methods and techniques of oil painting. This class is for all levels. Please bring/use whatever oil painting supplies you currently use. Also see the suggested materials list below.

Special Notes

Note on Health & Safety Policy:

COVID-19 vaccinations are suggested but not required.
Mask wearing is suggested but not required. 

All students must comply with the Health and Safety Policies and Procedures found on The Center's website. There will be no refunds for students removed from class or workshop for failure to observe The Center’s Health and Safety Policies and Procedures.

In the event of a closure due to the COVID-19 virus, this workshop will move online using ZOOM. There will be no refunds or credits for classes or workshops that were scheduled to take place on-site but were moved to an online format for health and safety purposes.

About the Instructor

Oscar Peterson

An alumnus of Pratt Institute and The Art Students League of NY. Studied with leading realist painters as Max Ginsberg and Nelson Shanks, teaches at The Art Students League, NYC and gives private lessons. Award winning portrait artist; exhibits in NY, NJ and Connecticut galleries.


Class Details

April 27 - June 01, 06:00 pm - 08:30 pm

Days: Thursday

Tuition: $210

Member Tuition: N/A

Location: The Center for Contemporary Art

Semester: Spring 2023

Level: Adult - All levels

Instructor: Oscar Peterson